Coed plays 11 vs 11. No more than 7 males total (including keeper) per team are allowed on the field to play. That means the other 4 players from your team on the field must be females. If less than 4 females show up for the game, your team will either need to borrow female players from the other team or have fewer than 11 players on the field. As an example, if you only have 3 females show up to the game, your team will either need to borrow some females from the other team or play 1 player short that game (keeping those 3 females in the entire game).
At least 4 females on the field at a time
Since some teams don’t have four girls on their roster then we’re asking coaches to work together with the referees to get as much playing time for the players without running up the score.
Once a player has scored, he/she may not score again until another player on either team has scored. A score by the same player twice in a row will be restarted as a goal kick for the defending team.
Free substitution is used in this division. See Free Substition Tab.
EVERY PLAYER ON THE FIELD MUST BE ON THE OFFICIAL AYSO ROSTER OF ONE OF THE TWO TEAMS PLAYING THAT GAME. THIS INCLUDES “MAKE-UP” GAMES. Absolutely NO players are allowed to participate in games or practices that are not on your official AYSO team roster. You may temporarily borrow from the opposing team only in the game being played with that player’s team. There is a major legal responsibility to this rule – you do not want to take on the financial responsibility yourself for any injuries that could happen.