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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to AYSO - 'The World's Biggest Soccer Club'

AYSO 239 Programs & Fees

Welcome to AYSO Region 239 in Layton Utah!!

Welcome to AYSO239 located in Layton, Utah. Our mission to “to provide each child a world-class program” and we are glad that you have chosen AYSO to help your child learn and play soccer as the most beautiful game in the world. Soccer should be enjoyed by all without excessive fees and cost. AYSO239 is a volunteer driven organization where we partner with Layton City to teach kids soccer (Playground and Schoolyard), develop their skills (Core, Extra) as well as provide programs where Everyone Plays© (Epic). All programs have elements where the game is Safe, Fair and Fun. Registration for each year typically opens up early May and we assess any openings for teams before Spring games begin to find opportunities to get kids onto a team in the spring. Each year, please register for teams or get on the waitlist so that we can add players as openings open.

AYSO Region 239 Programs & Fee Schedules:
National Registration Fee (AYSO)

To pay for the cost of running the nationwide program including insurance, development, and delivery of training programs and membership in the United States Soccer Federation, each player is required to pay the non-refundable AYSO National Annual Player Membership Fee. The amount of this National Annual Player Membership fee is determined by a vote of the executive membership. The National Annual Player Membership Fee is automatically added to the first registration for a Membership Year, in addition to the Region’s program fees for registering to participate. Payment of the National Annual Player Membership Fee entitles the player to a Player ID Card, all member benefits including being able to be place on a team, insurance coverage and the ability to register for any available player program in any AYSO Region, Area or Section for which the player is eligible without having to pay the national fee again in the same Membership Year.

AYSO Fee Schedule / Program


Playground (3yo)

Schoolyard (4yo)




Fall / Spring

$35 + $25NF

$35 + $25NF


$70 + $25NF

$130 + $25NF + Uniform Fee

Spring only

$35 + $25NF

$35 + $25NF


$50 + $25NF

$65 + $25NF + Uniform Fee

Program details

Program consists of groups (16 kids - no teams). The focus is fundamental motor skills and kids comfortable around other kids. Parents are encouraged to be on the field during activities. Sessions typically once a week.

Program consists of groups (16 kids - no teams). The focus is fundamental motor skills and kids around others. Parents are encouraged to be on the field with them during the activities. A small-sided scrimmage at the end of each session weekly.

Special needs program where Everyone Plays™ is the focus for players. We only require that players are registered and pay the national fee. A discount code may be provided to waive the remaining fees.

Program for ages 5–18 (U6-U19 divisions). Core programs consist of teams based on age and gender. Shin guards are required. Practice 1 hour during the week and Games once a week on Saturdays.

Tryout based teams. Tryouts start early June. Our region EXTRA teams play against EXTRA teams in surrounding AYSO regions. Teams typically practice in the summer, participate in a summer tournament (fees not included in registration), fall and spring games, and typically participate in indoor games (fees not included in registration).

A Safety Point to Consider:

AYSO is focused on the safety of your children. As complying with the International Federation of Soccer (IFAB), Rule #4 Equipment states, ‘A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous. All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted. The players must be inspected before the start of the match and substitutes before they enter the field of play. If a player is wearing or using unauthorized/dangerous equipment or jewelry the referee must order the player to either remove the item or leave the field of play at the next stoppage if the player is unable or unwilling to comply.

Refund Policy

AYSO Region 239 REFUND Policy:

AYSO National Player Fee (NPF) is non-refundable. Regional Registration fees are fully refundable to the method of payment that was originally used until July 31st of the registration year that payment was provided. After July 31st, NO REFUNDS will be given, as uniforms have been purchased and field rentals have been paid.

Special Circumstances that warrant a refund of the NPF to the Section, Area, or Region:

Even though the NPF is non-refundable, there may be extenuating circumstances in which a Section, Area, or Region may request a refund of these fees on behalf of member families. These would include:

  • A duplicate payment or payment collected on a test membership account.
  • The player registers and pays a membership fee, but before beginning participation in a local program moves to a neighborhood where there is no AYSO program.
  • When there is no division or program in which the player can participate, or the program is unable to operate at any time during the AYSO membership year.
  • The participant dies or experiences an injury that prevents any level of participation in the program.

As a region, if a player is injured and unable to play fall and spring games and has not yet received a uniform and not yet had a practice with the team, the region will consider a full refund of the regional fee for that player. Request for the refund must be made prior to the first scheduled game of the fall season or if registered for spring only, before the first spring game.

To request a refund, please email the Registrar at [email protected] and provide the account name and the player’s name that needs to be refunded. You will receive an auto-response, followed by a confirmation of your initial request.

Program Offering: CORE

Our core program is the foundation for all the fun, excitement and learning that happens on the fields. AYSO is best known for our core program – it’s where the large majority of kids fall in love with soccer and make memories that will last a lifetime.

There are six core values – or what we call AYSO’s Six Philosophies – that are the foundation of our core program, and all others: Everyone Plays, Balanced Teams, Open Registration, Positive Coaching, Good Sportsmanship and Player Development. These are the essence of AYSO and it all starts with Everyone Plays.

Here in AYSO, Everyone Plays means that no kid spends their soccer experience sitting on the bench. Every kid plays at least half of every game. Learn more about AYSO’s Six Philosophies here.

Also, teams are put together in a way that makes playing soccer about the experience, not wins or losses. It’s not about blowing out another team with an unbelievable score; it’s about sportsmanship and learning to be the best possible team mate and opponent. Developing players is what we’re about, because soccer skills and life skills go hand in hand. AYSO’s main purpose is to get kids on the field, provide them with good coaches, and teach them to play soccer.

If you intend to try out for AYSO EXTRA or AYSO UNITED, DO NOT register for the CORE program unless you're planning on your player doing CORE in addition to one of these programs.

Regular Registration for the CORE season opens in May. The cost for the season is listed above and includes:

  • Team Uniform - Coordinating jersey, shorts and socks
  • 12 Games - 6 games in the fall and 6 more games in the spring.  AYSO's Philosophy of "Everyone Plays®" means that your player will play at least half of every game they are able to attend
  • Other fun activities throughout the year! 
  • We order uniforms and build teams after July 15th on a first come first serve basis to fill teams. After that, you may end up needing to register on the waitlist until we have determined whether we have any openings on the teams.

AYSO CORE Registration

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 239 Layton, UT

Region 239 
Layton, Utah 84041

Email Us: [email protected]
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